Catalogues of pool and patio enclosures
Here you can find your inspiration for pool, spa and patio enclosures - it is free to download ! So if you are planning to enclose your pool or your backyard make sure to browse thought our catalogue and contact us for free price estimate. Follow these simple steps to start your journey to a beautiful Alukov enclosure for your home or business.
Step 1
Enter your email address below in the boxes provided to receive your free extensive catalogue of Alukov patio, pool and hot tub enclosures.
Step 2
Download one or both of our catalogues and browse through to find the perfect property enhancement to protect you while you enjoy your outdoor spaces.
Step 3
Contact us at Alukov Enclosures for expert advice on meeting your enclosure needs and a free price estimate.
It is that easy - 3 easy steps to releasing the all-year-round potential of your pool, hot tub or patio.
Complete Catalogue of Enclosures and Solar Canopies

Catalogue of Solar Canopies