Retractable Pool Enclosures & Patio enclosures


Alukov Worldwide

People have been fascinated in aerial images since the earliest times. But have you looked at your property from a birds-eye view? Many owners don't even recognize it at first. An aerial view opens up a whole new perspective and can considerably help when planning where to build a patio or swimming pool with enclosure. In short, a bird's eye view gives you a perfect idea of what you can actually afford to build there.

Take a look at our enclosure designs from all over the world from above. You'll see shots of enclosures that are located in very interesting places and in truly unique landscapes or near historic monuments. For instance, in the Czech Republic at the SEČ dam or in Slovakia right below Beckov Castle. But there are also real videos from other equally interesting places in Europe, but also from exotic destinations.

Have a look for yourself at alukov-worldwide


We also look at our enclosures from a new perspective in our research and development centre, where we design, test and also refine and improve the enclosures for your needs. Seeing enclosure systems from a new perspective is inspiring for us and allows our designers to meet your current requirements and demands for new features and detailing.